Welcome to the first UFO/Michael Schenker Web Pages on the Internet!

Celebrating 20 Years on the Internet
January 1995 to January 2015

Welcome to the site. This web presence started in January 1995, inspired by news of a new UFO album, 'Walk On Water' with the reformed "classic" line-up of Mogg, Way, Schenker, Raymond and Parker. The Web was in it's earliest days, but being at a University the joys of newsgroups and emails were already well established and not being able to find out any information about UFO or Michael Schenker on the Web I set about writing my own. It started out on my university computer account, username masai, but eventually became too big, and was getting too many hits, so moved to its current location at dave-wood.org.

Initial information and material was hard to track down, but motivation came from the newsletter of the "Official Michael Schenker Fan Club" and Mike Pincher's excellent fanzine "Misty Green And Blue", both unfortunately now defunct. But once the site was up and running contacts were quickly made, including Tristan Greatrex who designed the cover for Michaels first acoustic album "Thankyou" who has had his own website for UFO and Michael for a number of years now, Alan Walsh whose association with MSG go way back and a little more recently the all seeing, all knowing Batttttty. Those good friends, and many other people who I've had the privilege to have made contact with helped make the site what it is today.

In those very early days I also discovered how generous people can be when a copy of the new UFO album was sent to me out of the blue by someone in Japan who had seen my site, arriving a few days after the release (it was only released in Japan for the first couple of years)... thanks Kino if you still visit the site! Since then of course, Ritchie has set up his "I Love Michael Schenker" website, which for years now has been keeping me on my toes and stopping me getting complacent!

Backstage passes, promos, band rehearsals do help the motivation, but by far and away what's kept the site going over the years is the many kind and supportive emails from all over the globe. In the past 10 years I've finished my PhD, moved house several times, got married, got divorced, had a baby (not exactly in that order, it's complicated!), but somehow managed to keep this site afloat.

If you're new to UFO/Schenker or are revisiting your youth a lot has happened in the past decade. UFO have come, and gone, and come again, and gone... as you might expect! Currently Michael has moved on to concentrate on his own projects and the latest album and tour have consisted of Phil Mogg, Pete Way, Paul Raymond, Vinnie Moore and Jason Bonham. The album "You Are Here" is phenomenal, and if you don't have a copy you should get one (after you've bought "Walk On Water" of course). Michael has been busy with several MSG albums, spanning a number of vocalists, along with acoustic and electric instrumentals. Recently he has also been collaborating with other artists and producing some nice projects such as the Pattison/Schenker CD, "Endless Jam". Phil Mogg has also been involved in some side projects including Mogg/Way (two albums, one with George Bellas on guitar, the second with the fantastic Jeff Kollman). These albums were almost pseudo UFO albums, but later the excellent "Sign of 4" with Jeff Kollman again (along with Shane Gaalaas and Jimmy Curtain) was released, which allowed Kollman more artistic freedom. Again, a must for all UFO fans. The other band members have also been busy, Paul Raymond released a couple of new Paul Raymond Projects, Pete Way has done some solo stuff as well as a punky collaboration with Schenker ("The Plot"), and most recently Waysted have reformed with Fin on vocals dispelling the rumour that he was dead. Gary Barden has been busy with Silver, a band with Don Airey, Bernie Torme and Michael Voss, and I could go on an on (excuse the pun).

If you need to catch up I would recommend following the links to the left, especially the Latest News (old news is in the 'Archives') and look for the 'Latest Albums and Tours' page.Have fun rooting around!

Oh, and in the Archives you can now see a complete copy of the earliest site backup I could find from July 1995... just so you can see how it all started!

Now some obligatory backstage photo opportunities:

I'm the one in the middle (with Michael Schenker and Gary Barden) circa 1998!

..and with Phil circa 2000.

Keep on Rocking,


Oh, and don't forget to vote for your favourite albums!

Last changed 18th January 2005

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